Insert A Benefit-Driven/Problem Solving Headline Mentioning Specific Tangible Results They Will Get In 5 Days
Insert A Concise Sub headline Revealing Your Unique Mechanism Showing Further Benefits While Also Clearing Any Objection Or Removing The Biggest Challenge People May Be Facing While Solving Their Problem.
I want to leave 9-5 and start my own business but I am afraid, what If I failed, how will I face the world?
Insert The Challenges People Are Facing, Go deeper into their problems Like,
I procrastinate and keep delaying the task I’ve taken until their’s no time to finish it and the task is delayed
Even after leaving all my favorite food, following strict diet & exercising every single day for months, I still can’t lose those extra 10 kilos off my body
Even After Working upto 10 hours a day, I still can’t afford a good stress-free vacation for my family
Trigger their most painful Points, make them feel the pain, Imagine it
Talk About their real problems, problems they are facing that your workshop can solve
This will make them feel that you know their situation and you understand it. Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document
If You’ve Checked One Or More Than One Boxes Above,
Then This Workshop Is Exactly For You, To Solve Your Problems!
Make a very strong & short opening here, show them why they are facing this particular problem > why even after doing everything, they still are not successful > what they are doing wrong, whereas what they need to do > tie it to your workshop, show them how it can be a gamechanger for them. Take this as an Fill In The Blank example
Ever Thought, What Successful ________ Do That You Don’t?
It’s not like they are _________ and You’re not
It not like They do ___________ and you don’t
It’s like they have ___________ and you don’t
Let’s accept this,
Even after ______, ________, [Insert all the things they are doing to solve their problem but can’t]________, ________.
That’s because you’re [What are they doing wrong]
90% People Waste Their Time In
Insert One By one
All the things 90% successful people
Are doing
That doesn’t work
Insert One By one
All the things 90% successful people
Are doing
That doesn’t work
Only Top Successful _______ 10% Focus On
Insert One By one
All the things 10% successful people
Are doing
That helps solve the problem
Achieve the results
Insert One By one
All the things 10% successful people
Are doing
That helps solve the problem
Achieve the results
And That’s Where This Live Workshop Can Help You,
How This Workshop Will Change The Entire Game For You!
#1 Thing About Your Workshop That Actually Will Help People Solve Their Problem/Achieve Their Desired Result.
You can include some
Points too here
#2 Thing About Your Workshop That People Actually Need To solve their problem/achieve their desired result.
You can include some
Points too here
#3 Your Unique Mechanism, That Makes Your Workshop Different & A Perfect Solution.
Start with a strong mentioning of qualifications/recognition to build credibility in the very first paragraph. Talk more about the achievements of the mentor(You).
Write everything in the third person. Talk more about your expertise, bring in more interesting facts why you are the best trainer to teach this topic.
Share Your Story in brief, Before & After, What your life was before and what happened that changed your life
State your mission on what you are trying to do with your Workshop and courses.
Credibility Point 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur elit adipisicing elit. Autem
Credibility Point 2
Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet consectetur elit adipisicing elit. Autem
Credibility Point 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur elit adipisicing elit. Autem
Worked With/Featured In
Get Certification For This Workshop
By Coach “Your Great Name”, After Attending The Workshop
Yes, I am that confident in the value I provide, People who attend this workshop has shown 99.75% Satisfaction rate, And I am sure you too will get immense value out of it.
If for some reason, you feel this is not worth it & I’ve wasted your time & money, I will see to it personally that you get a 100% refund ASAP.
No, There Are No Refunds
Particulary because I don’t want to prepare you to fail, & I don’t want to invite you with such a mindset, You’ve seen what you’ll learn in workshop, you’ve seen 5000+ people have got amazing results, you’ve heard in their own words what this workshop can do, you’ve seen the brands/Publications I’ve worked with/featured on, You’ve know I am credible and bring in real transformation in lives. Now you have to decide if this workshop is worth it.
Make a very strong close here, Give People A Final Call, Clear up time & money objection or any other objection, Show them the clear benefit of joining workshop & loss of not joining it, or even both, make them imagine themselves enjoying the benefit, Don’t be pushy. Keep the facts and let them decide. See The Example Below.
Is It Worth it?
You Decide if,
₹497 & 5-Days For [The Desired Outcome]
Is worth It
Alright Let Me Make This Easy For You
How Often Do You Think About This While Ordering A Large Size Pizza Or Scrolling Social Media, Watching Videos For 3-4 Hours Daily?
2-3 From Today, while you’d be enjoying the life you’ve only dreamed of yet,
You never thought, it would come into reality, but it did, thanks to a SMALL decision you took years ago that changed your life completely,
Now you’re [Show them their ideal life
Who they will be years after
What will they be doing years after
How will their life be
What would They achieve]
Decision Is Yours
Take Action And Change Your Life, [Desired Outcome] Or Sit Back And Do Nothing